It is the heart of the whole machinery, it works relentlessly to get us to our destination. It turns round and round and round. It does not whine around. It does not question the cyclist and his yet very questionable intents to do some thousands meters of elevation gain. It just keeps going. The chain is probably the most stressed part of the bike. So please take care of it. PROED takes care of your chain in order to turn it into the loyal and especially quiet companion it was supposed to be in the first place. The idyllic silence of the chosen forest trail is the only thing you will hear.
Products for the Bike Chain
All products
Pro Chain Oil - The Chain Lubricant
Teflon-Based Oil to Lubricate the Chain
€ 4.49 € 9.90
22% VAT incl.
22% VAT incl.

Pro Multi Super 5 - The Mechanical-Components-Spray
Protection & Lubrication for Mechanical Components
€ 9.90
22% VAT incl.
22% VAT incl.

Pro Safety Clean - The Mechanical Components-Cleaner
Solvent for the Mechanical System
€ 15.40
22% VAT incl.
22% VAT incl.
Bike Maintenance